Founders and Directors

“We believe in the theory of well being of all the people in the society through equal opportunities for all in every sphere of life. Hence, we laid the foundation of this school with the mission and vision to make education approachable for every such child of the society whose parents aspire to provide quality education to their child but are not fortunate enough to afford quality education for their ward. It was with this fact in view that we planned to start Kadambini Children’s Academy. We wish to tell every member of the society around us, that we are ready to support their dream of providing quality education to their ward in whatever way we can and as much as we can.”
– Satyanarayan Jaiswal
“Education is every child’s right and KCA is committed to adopt every measure to make sure that every parent who approaches KCA, should be felt welcome and encouraged to educate their children despite of the fact that there are severe economic disparities. Quality education in the private sector is to some extent , not affordable for certain sections of the society; This fact cannot be ignored and overlooked. KCA as a whole takes it as a moral responsibility to contribute to the society our bit of service by ensuring easy approach to quality education for all the members of the society.”
– Vivek Jaiswal

“Blending technology with traditional approach and backing it up with the values that we have inherited from our elders, is the strength with which KCA stands firm in the field of education. We aim and strive to meet the challenges of modern education with whole hearted dedication to raise the level of the students of KCA so as to prepare them to become strong individuals, ready to face every challenge of life.”
– Dhruv Jaiswal
(Group Director)
“In the contemporary era of striving for excellence in every domain of life, success is synonymous with grit, perseverance and faith in oneself, while cognitive aspect is given prime attention. Nowadays, emotional and behavioral compatibility cannot be ignored. A proper balance has to be struck between an individual’s professional achievement with that of his roots and moral values, which would enable the individual to become a successful human being.”
– Manoj Parikh
(Director Planning)